Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Personal Data Protection
We highly value your trust in LOW COST Tours Gran Canaria S.L. to make your online reservations for all kinds of experiences (excursions/tours, visits, activities), hereinafter (products and services). LOW COST Tours Gran Canaria S.L., hereinafter "LCT Gran Canaria" respects the User's privacy and therefore we will protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal data, which includes your credit card data. This privacy policy applies to all of our services, whether you have accessed them online or through another platform or device (collectively referred to as "the website").
This privacy and data protection policy regulates the access and use of the service provided in this Website and that LCT Gran Canaria makes available to users who are interested in the services provided by LCT Gran Canaria.
Your Personal Information may be processed by LOW COST Tours Gran Canaria S.L. in the country where it was collected, as well as in other countries where laws regarding the processing of personal data may be less strict than the laws of your country of origin.
By accepting this privacy policy, you consent to LOW COST Tours Gran Canaria S.L. to process your personal data for the following purposes.
1. Why are we entitled to carry out data processing?
User data collected through the registration forms on the Website are collected in order to provide you with the Services offered through the Website.
In accordance with the applicable privacy regulations and its development regulations, LCT Gran Canaria notifies the User of the availability of an automatized personal data file, registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, created by LCT Gran Canaria under its responsibility.
2. Personal data processing and purpose of the processing
LCT Gran Canaria may collect personal data from the User through registration forms, which may be used for the following purposes:
- Process your transactions (Your information, whether public or private, won't be sold, changed, transferred or given to any other company for any reason, without your consent, except for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested.
- Adequate provision of those Services offered on our Web site.
- Sending commercial communications by mail, telephone, email, instant messaging or any other means of communication related to LCT Gran Canaria's services, as long as the User has agreed to this purpose.
- Improve our website (We constantly improve our offers as well as our website, this is achieved based on the information and feedback we receive from you).
- Improve customer service (your information helps us to be more effective to your customer service requests and support needs).
- Conducting surveys, statistics and compiling market research.
In the same way, the User agrees to the treatment of his data for the creation of the profiles. These treatments have analytical and statistical purpose to know the traffic and the use made by the User of the Website, as well as to determine his/her interests in order to send him/her promotional information of interest according to his/her preferences.
LCT Gran Canaria may also transfer the User's personal data to third parties that collaborate with LCT Gran Canaria (suppliers, travel agencies) in order to meet the User's request, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.1 b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Gran Canariaan Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of these data.
3. Necessary or voluntary nature of the information provided by the User and its authenticity.
The User guarantees that the personal data provided are true, being responsible for communicating to LCT Gran Canaria in as soon as possible any change. LCT Gran Canaria saves itself the right to exclude from all the registered services to the User that doesn't fulfill it or that has given incorrect or false personal data.
LCT Gran Canaria recommends having the maximum care in Data Protection using appropriate security tools, not being able to hold LCT Gran Canaria responsible for any incident relating to personal data that have been stolen, modified or illegally lost.
4. Practices not allowed
LCT Gran Canaria saves itself the right to cancel the registration in the Website of those Users who:
- Include or promote illicit or obscene material
- Promote discriminatory practices to any group
- Send Bulk, junk or spam not having been requested
- Breach any of the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties.
In the same way, the User has to avoid using and collecting data extracted from distribution lists for promotional or advertising purposes, as well as sending commercial communications of any kind and by means of any support, not having been requested or without the consent of LTCE and other Users.
LCT Gran Canaria will keep the personal data provided by the User as long as it doesn't express its desire to unsubscribe from the services, in order to receive information about the products offered.
5. User's rights over his/her data
The User has the right to:
- Access to his/her personal data, as well as,
- request the modification of his/her data,
- request the deletion of his/her data,
- oppose the processing or limitation of his/her data
- exercise his/her right to forget his/her data
- request portability of his/her data
In order to exercise these rights, it will be necessary that the User proves his/her identity to LCT Gran Canaria by sending a photocopy of his/her ID card or any other valid means.
To exercise all these rights, the User will go to LCT Gran Canaria through the following e-mail where he will indicate his/her personal data and the reason for the request.
In the same way, the User will be able to send a request to the following address:
C/ Fuerteventura, 46, 35100 San Fernando de Maspalomas,
Las Palmas. Spain
6. Data security
In LCT Gran Canaria we value your confidence to make your online reservations for excursions, activities and / or guided tours, hereinafter products and services. LCT Gran Canaria respects the privacy of the User and therefore we will protect the privacy and confidentiality of his/her personal data, which includes credit or debit card data. This privacy policy applies to all of our services, whether the User has accessed them online or through another platform or device (collectively referred to as the website).
The User's personal information may be processed by LCT Gran Canaria in the country where it was collected, as well as in other countries where the laws regarding the processing of personal data may be less strict than the laws of their country of origin.
LCT Gran Canaria maintains the levels of protection of the User's data in accordance with the applicable regulations and establishes the technical means at its disposal to prevent misuse, alteration, theft, unauthorized access or loss of the data provided by the User through the Web sites, taking into consideration that Internet security measures are not impregnable.
7. Contact
LCT Gran Canaria is a private and limited liability company whose registered office is in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.
LCT Gran Canaria is responsible for processing and managing your data and is constituted under the legislation in force in Spain and therefore the General Terms and Conditions as well as its Privacy Policy will be governed by Spanish law.
Your registration and tax data are detailed below:
LOW COST Tours Gran Canaria S.L.
C/ Fuerteventura, 46
35100. San Fernando de Maspalomas.
Gran Canaria.
CIF: B76161934
Nº Tourist Intermediator I-AV-0002932.1 / I-AV-0002932.2
8. Acceptance and consent
The User hereby declares to have been notified of the conditions relating to the protection of personal data, accepting and therefore agreeing to the processing of these data by LCT Gran Canaria in the manner and for the purposes described above in this Privacy Policy.
9. Changes to this statement
LCT Gran Canaria reserves the right to make changes in the use of cookies, Privacy Policy and its Terms and Conditions including this, how to collect, transmit and manage personal information and any other information it deems necessary to improve the service provided to the User and update any update of services provided through its website.