Business hours in Granada
In Granada the opening hours are very similar to the rest of Spain. The big shopping centres normally open from 10:00 to 22:00, closing most of their shops on Sundays and holidays, although they do open their leisure areas and areas for gastronomy. Shopping malls have grown in number in a few years and are usually far from the city centre (although not all of them).
But apart from these types of establishments, Granada has always stood out among Andalusian capitals for its very important traditional commercial network of small, local shops that provide our city with an incredible life in the centre and in all the most important neighbourhoods of Granada.
The shoe and clothing stores among others stand out, which, together with the hundreds of bars, cafes, restaurants and ice cream stores are a meeting place for both locals and visitors to Granada. The centre of Granada and its neighbourhoods are the real shopping centres of our city.
The opening hours of these establishments vary according to the season and the climate. They usually close at midday, normally opening in the morning at 10 am and closing at 1.30 pm / 2 pm to reopen around 5 pm until 8.30 pm always approximately.
In Granada you will also find a commercial area that is an important tourist attraction in itself: Alcaicería. Alcaicería located next to Royal Chapel and Cathedral was the old market of silks, spices and luxury goods in medieval Granada. Alcaicería of Nasrid Granada occupied the same place as it does today, although at that time it was next to a large number of alhóndigas (establishments open to the public for the accommodation of merchants and travellers). A few metres away was the great Aljama Mosque (on its site now stands the Cathedral) or next to Madraza (the Koranic school). Today its small shops offer us mainly handicraft products and the best: it has a very wide timetable, not closing at midday.