Weather in Gran Canaria

Weather and temperatures

The Fortunate Islands, here you will discover why they were named!


Gran Canaria belongs to Canary Islands Archipelago in south west of Spain and near of Morocco coast. This is a perfect place to get involved in different weather conditions; so Canary people and visitors can enjoy many microclimates depending on the area where they are! The islands have subtropical climate what does it mean we enjoy with hot summers that longs more than 3 months and quite warm winters. 

This is possible thanks to Alisios Winds, La Corriente del Golfo and the orography of Gran Canaria, this island has been blessed with a wonderful weather all year round, making it is considered one of the best touristic destinations in the world.
The average temperatures are very constant in both winter and summer, ranging from 26º C to 28º C in summer and between 22º C and 24º C in winter.

However, that is not all, because, as we said before, throughout the island you can enjoy microclimates depending on the area where you are: from the coast to the mountain.

Otherwise, in winter it is possible that the highest peaks of the island were covered with snow (in  center of the island: in Tejeda or Artenara villages among others) while on the coastal areas of the island it is possible to enjoy an amazing beach day with temperatures from 22º C in November or December.  Yes! You read it right: in the middle of the winter more than 20º C!

This combination of Winds, few days of rain in the year, orography, wave influences, temperatures and location of the islands makes a spectacular contrast image, and these are the reasons why Gran Canaria received the name of the Miniature Continent.


One more point: this December, some municipalities of Gran Canaria got the warmest temperatures in 10 years!